Winnie The Pooh's Dark Appeal: Blood and Honey

Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey Within the film's historical records, there've been bold reinterpretations of beloved characters, successful or otherwise. In reality, most people could have imagined a movie that is as bold as "Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey" (2023) the British independent slasher movie that changes A. A. Milne and E. H. Shepa

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The Amazing Spider-Man Movie Review

Nekotwins joins Decker Shado, as we give our first impressions to the film The Amazing Spider-Man. Did this reboot do the hero (blog post) justice? Is it worth your time? Do you horror movie reviews realize that (blog post) Gwen Stacey is actually canon to the comics series? Find out!Source: The Amazing Spider-Man Movie Review - Decker Shado Mor

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Raptor Movie Review

You know, normally I make a title card for these things that shows the dinosaurs in the movie. Thing is, I go for the ones actually made for the movie, and this one didn't sci-fi movie reviews have any. Oh there were dinosaurs, but every single one of them is stock footage. So this is how far we've gone....Source: Raptor Movie Review - Decker Sha

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Killer Klowns From Outer Space Movie Review

It's time to take a ride on the nightmare merry go round.. and that theme song will be stuck in my head for the next 40 years. Nevertheless, this week's review is Killer Klowns From Outer Space. It's a story about a town's awkward adjustment phase (blog post) as it accommodates a new population of clown people with certain needs. They do this by

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Black Dawn Movie Review

Week seven of the Summer of Steven Seagal brings us to his 2005 offering, Black Dawn. In this basic action movie where Seagal must stop terrorists who of course have no problem securing a nuclear device, and rogue agents whom want (blog post) them to have the nuke for some strange reason... Seagal's presence is somewhat famous in this film due to

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